Monday, June 29, 2009

Let the people decide”

How many times have the US tried to make Israel and PLO reach a peace agreement? What are the chances now for Barack Obama to succeed? The prospects don´t look good, we have already seen how the Israeli government tries to avoid making any important compromises.

In Dissent Magazin Sari Nusseibeh is suggesting a different approach for president Obama:

”Rather than try to engage the two sides in renewed negotiations, President Obama, acting on behalf of the Quartet, should make an offer to both sides which neither side can refuse. He should present a summary of a pre-drawn blueprint of a settlement to the leadership on both sides, and rather than asking them to enter into a new marathon of negotiations over it, or even to accept or reject it, he should simply request that they put it before their respective publics for a vote: the Israeli side through a referendum, and the Palestinian side through an electoral process.”